The Foreign Trade Association of North Rhine-Westphalia e.V. (AHV.NRW e.V.) held its general meeting in 2024.
The members met in the venerable Düsseldorf Industrial Club. AHV managing director Andreas Mühlberg emphasized the extensive association activities for AHV members.
The AHV marketing team from Grenzblick Atelier, LION Verlag and link instinct® presented the 10th anniversary edition of the AHV magazine, which for the first time also combines the elements of print, web and video with cross media offerings.
In the subsequent elections, the previous chairman Axel Hebmüller and his deputies Henry-Johann Nientimp and Katja Eckmann Pohl were confirmed in their positions. Newly appointed to the board were Dr. Fabian Breckheimer, Stefan Overbeck on the advisory board, Susan Keng, Andrea Kühn and Sandy Bolt on the auditing board.
Numerous new members presented themselves and their companies to the meeting in short pitches and were thus able to benefit in greater depth from the effective advantages of AHV network membership.
With State Minister Nathanael Liminski, the AHV was able to win a top politician from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia as a guest speaker. The responsible minister for federal and European affairs, international affairs and media introduced the subsequent discussion with his keynote speech NRW and EUROPE - regulation versus competitiveness.
In addition to Dirk Brügge, district director in the Rhine district of Neuss, Christopher Erbslöh, a long-time AHV member from the specialty chemicals and industrial minerals dealer C.H. Erbslöh part. Moderator Harry Flint from the media company link instinct® leads the discussion.
The members met in the venerable Düsseldorf Industrial Club. AHV managing director Andreas Mühlberg emphasized the extensive association activities for AHV members.
The AHV marketing team from Grenzblick Atelier, LION Verlag and link instinct® presented the 10th anniversary edition of the AHV magazine, which for the first time also combines the elements of print, web and video with cross media offerings.
In the subsequent elections, the previous chairman Axel Hebmüller and his deputies Henry-Johann Nientimp and Katja Eckmann Pohl were confirmed in their positions. Newly appointed to the board were Dr. Fabian Breckheimer, Stefan Overbeck on the advisory board, Susan Keng, Andrea Kühn and Sandy Bolt on the auditing board.
Numerous new members presented themselves and their companies to the meeting in short pitches and were thus able to benefit in greater depth from the effective advantages of AHV network membership.
With State Minister Nathanael Liminski, the AHV was able to win a top politician from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia as a guest speaker. The responsible minister for federal and European affairs, international affairs and media introduced the subsequent discussion with his keynote speech NRW and EUROPE - regulation versus competitiveness.
In addition to Dirk Brügge, district director in the Rhine district of Neuss, Christopher Erbslöh, a long-time AHV member from the specialty chemicals and industrial minerals dealer C.H. Erbslöh part. Moderator Harry Flint from the media company link instinct® leads the discussion.
Der Außenhandelsverband Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V. (AHV.NRW e.V.) führte seine Mitgliederversammlung 2024 durch.
Im ehrwürdigen Industrieclub Düsseldorf kamen die Mitglieder zusammen. AHV Geschäftsführer Andreas Mühlberg betonte die reichhaltigen Verbands-Aktivitäten für AHV-Mitglieder.
Das AHV Marketing Team der Unternehmen Grenzblick Atelier, LION Verlag und link instinct® stellte die 10. Jubiläumsausgabe des AHV-Magazins vor, das erstmals auch mit Cross Media Angeboten die Elemente Print, Web und Video vereint.
Bei den anschließenden Neuwahlen wurden der bisherige Vorsitzende Axel Hebmüller sowie seine Stellvertreter Henry-Johann Nientimp und Katja Eckmann Pohl in ihren Ämtern bestätigt. Neu berufen wurden in den Vorstand Dr. Fabian Breckheimer, in den Beirat Stefan Overbeck, in die Rechnungsprüfung Susan Keng, Andrea Kühn und Sandy Bolt.
Zahlreiche neue Mitglieder stellten sich mit ihren Unternehmen der Versammlung in kurzen Pitches vor und konnten so vertiefend von den effektiven Vorteilen einer AHV Netzwerkmitgliedschaften profitieren.
Mit Staatminister Nathanael Liminski konnte der AHV einen Spitzenpolitiker des Landes NRW als Gastredner gewinnen. Mit seinem Impulsvortrag NRW und EUROPA – Regulatorik versus Wettbewerbsfähigkeit leitete der zuständige Minister für Bundes- und Europaangelegenheiten, Internationales sowie Medien die anschließende Diskussion ein.
Neben Dirk Brügge, Kreisdirektor im Rhein-Kreis Neuss nahm mit Christopher Erbslöh auch ein langjähriges AHV-Mitglied vom Händler für Spezialchemikalien und Industriemineralien C.H. Erbslöh teil. Moderator Harry Flint vom Medienunternehmen link instinct® leitet die Diskussion.
Fotos: Joop van Reeken / GrenzBlickAtelier
Video Produ©tion: Harry Flint / link instinct®